National Emission Information System of Slovak Republic

Project NEIS

The NEIS project (National Emission Information System of Slovak Republic) started in 1998 within the PHARE support program, particular development supported in 2001 – 2004 by DANCEE fund. The project is continually supervised and financed by SHMU and Slovak Ministry of Environment.
The most important goal of the NEIS project is to give a very efficient tool to the Environmental Department of the District Office to improve the process of collecting and verifying the air pollution data. Consequently the data are transferred and imported to the central database on SHMU, to enable reporting and presentation.
National Emission Information System in Slovakia represents a strictly bottom - up implemented approach (in the sector of industrial and power emissions). It comes to this, that the data are collected on the lowest level of power or technological processes producing the emissions. In this case the specific local conditions, measurements and individual emission factors could be considered. The approval of this data is realised on the lowest institutional level of District Offices. The transfer of the data to the central national level as well as international authorities has been computerised. Such approach enables, the quality and transparency of air emission data available is rather be high in compare with other methods based mostly on inexact statistical data.

The advantages of the NEIS consists of

  • enhancement of the transparency of the air emission inventory procedures
  • improvement of the observation of the law on air protection
  • consolidation of the air emission data on the districts
  • improvement of the credibility of the data reported

Components of the NEIS

  • WEB Portal for operators of pollution sources - NEISPZ_WEB – this software enables the company, which operates the sources of air emissions, to prepare annual reporting of emission and technical parameters of sources and declare it electronically to the District Office.
  • NEIS Basic Unit – a software tool developed for Environmental Departments of the District Offices. District Offices are authorized to process all data delivered by emission producing companies, approve the data and to issue the final decisions about the height of the fees.
  • NEIS Central Database – national central database located on a server at the SHMU equipped with program modules dedicated to import data from local district databases into a central database, to check and upgrade the data within the import procedure. Consequently a presentation level of central database enables the necessary reporting and creating outputs for international authorities. Local reporting in the LAN at the SHMU includes a universal set of 5 main types of reports published in the SHMU annual report. International reporting enables to generate outputs to the international inventories (Corinair, UNECE/EMEP, UNFCCC/IPCC). WEB reporting enables a comprehensive presentation of the emission data on the Internet.


NEIS in accordance with Act No. 137/2010, as amended by Act No. 318/2012 Coll., Decree No. 410/2012 Z.z. and the Act 401/1998 on Air Pollution Charges allows extensive collection, validation and reporting of data including 320 different types of data on a set of 19 forms and sub-forms related to 12,000 stationary sources of air pollution operated by 6300 legal entities of the SR. Whereas the data are annually electronically processed and validated at 79 district offices.
