Sector | Activity | Reference | Web Site |
Agriculture | Agricultural waste burning | IPCC (1996). Revised IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories, Reference manual. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). | |
Agriculture | Agricultural waste burning | Olivier, J.G.J., J.J.M. Berdowski, J.A.H.W. Peters, J. Bakker, A.J.H. Visschedijk, and J.P.J. Bloos, Applications of EDGAR. Including a description of EDGAR 3.0: reference database with trend data for 1970-1995. RIVM, Bilthoven. RIVM rapportnr. 773301 001/ NOP rapportnr. 410200 051, 2000. | |
Agriculture | Agricultural waste burning | UNFCCC (2000). National Communications on the UNFCCC webpage. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). | UNFCCC national communications |
Agriculture | Animals | FAO (2001). Statistical database, agriculture. | FAO |
Agriculture | Animals | USDA (2001). USDA Economics and statistics system, international agriculture: | USDA |
Agriculture | Dry crops | Zie verbranding agrarisch afval. | |
Agriculture | Use of fertilizers | EFMA (1997). The Fertilizer Industry Of The European Union, the issue of today, the outlook of tomorrow. Efma (2001) | EFMA |
Agriculture | Use of fertilizers | IFA (2000). Nitrogen, phosphate and potash statistics, IFADATA statistics on CD-ROM. | |
Agriculture | Use of pesticides | CBS (1998). Statistisch Jaarboek 1998. Centraal Bureau voor de statistiek, Voorburg/Heerlen. | |
Agriculture | Use of pesticides | FAO (2000). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Statistical Analysis Service (ESSA), Statistics Division. Contact person: DeSantis, Giorgia (ESSA). | |
Agriculture | Use of pesticides | Gegevens zijn afkomstig van FAO (2000). Aanvullende gegevens zijn afkomstig van CBS | |
Consumers | Meat frying | MLC (2000). The consumption of meat in Europe. The Meat and Livestock commission. Internet: | |
Consumers | Meat frying | UDSDA FAS (2000). Total Beef and veal consumption. United States Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service. FASonline: | |
Consumers | Meat frying | UDSDA FAS (2000). Total Mutton and goat meat consumption. United States Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service. FASonline: | |
Consumers | Meat frying | UDSDA FAS (2000). Total pork consumption. United States Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service. FASonline: | US Department of Agriculture |
Consumers | Meat frying | UDSDA FAS (2000). Total poultry meat consumption. United States Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service. FASonline: | |
Consumers | Meat frying | WESP (1994). Procesbeschrijvingen deel 1, consumenten, bouw, handel en dienstverlening.Werkgroep Emissie Servicebedrijven en Product gebruik (WESP). Rijksinstituut voor volksgezondheid en milieu, Bilthoven. RIVM rapportnr. 773009001. | |
Consumers | Smoking of tobacco | FAO (2001). Statistical database, agriculture. | FAO |
Consumers | Smoking of tobacco | UN (1999). Industrial Commodity Statistics. Book and CD-ROM | |
Consumers | Smoking of tobacco | WB (1999). World Development Indicators 1999, Book and CD-ROM. World Bank (WB). | |
Industry | Building activities | ECE (2000). Annual Bulletin of Housing and Building Statistics for Europe and North America 1999. | |
Industry | Iron & Steel, including mining | CAEF (1992). The European foundry industry. Comité des Associations Européennes de Fonderie. | |
Industry | Iron & Steel, including mining | CAEF (2001). Data relating to the European foundry industry. Comité des Associations Européennes de Fonderie. | |
Industry | Iron & Steel, including mining | IISI (2001) Steel Statistical Yearbook 2000 on CD-ROM. International Iron and Steel Institute. | |
Industry | Non-ferro production and mining | Blossom, J.W., (1998). Molybdenum. United States Geological Survey (USGS): | US Geological Survey |
Industry | Non-ferro production and mining | Edelstein, D.L., (1998). Copper. United States Geological Survey (USGS): | US Geological Survey |
Industry | Non-ferro production and mining | Jones, T.S., (1998). Manganese. United States Geological Survey (USGS): | US Geological Survey |
Industry | Non-ferro production and mining | Kramer, D.H., (1998). Magnesium. United States Geological Survey (USGS): | US Geological Survey |
Industry | Non-ferro production and mining | Kuck, P.H., (1998). Nickel. United States Geological Survey (USGS): | US Geological Survey |
Industry | Non-ferro production and mining | Oss, H.G., van (1998). Cement. United States Geological Survey (USGS): | US Geological Survey |
Industry | Non-ferro production and mining | Plachy, J., (1998a). Cadmium. United States Geological Survey (USGS): | US Geological Survey |
Industry | Non-ferro production and mining | Plachy, J., (1998b). Zinc. United States Geological Survey (USGS): | US Geological Survey |
Industry | Non-ferro production and mining | Plunkert, P.A., (1998a). Aluminium. United States Geological Survey (USGS): | US Geological Survey |
Industry | Non-ferro production and mining | Plunkert, P.A., (1998b). Bauxite and alumina. United States Geological Survey (USGS): | US Geological Survey |
Industry | Non-ferro production and mining | Smith, G.R., (1998a). Lead. United States Geological Survey (USGS): | US Geological Survey |
Industry | Non-ferro production and mining | Smith, G.R., (1998b). Lead. United States Geological Survey (USGS): | US Geological Survey |
Industry | Non-ferro production and mining | UN (1999). Industrial Commodity Statistics. Book and CD-ROM | |
Industry | Production of glass | BG (2001). European Glass Recycling 1997. British Glass (BG): | British Glass |
Industry | Production of glass | ENFO (2001). Waste management, Recycling - Glass. ENFO: | ENFO |
Industry | Production of glass | FB (2001). The container glass industry in Europe, production 1998. Fachvereinigung Behalterglas (FB): | Fachvereinigung Behalterglas |
Industry | Production of glass | SPG (2001). Inzemalingsstatisieken. Stichting Promotie Glasbak (SPG): | Stichting Promotie Glasbak |
Industry | Production of glass | UBA (19??). Heavy Metal Emitting Sectors. | |
Industry | Production of glass | UN (1999). Industrial Commodity Statistics. Book and CD-ROM | |
Storage and handling | | Throughput = production + import + export | |
Storage and handling | Cement | ECE (2000). Annual Bulletin of Housing and Building Statistics for Europe and North America 1999. | |
Storage and handling | Crops | FAO (2001). Statistical database, agriculture. | FAO |
Storage and handling | Fertilizers | IFA (2000). Nitrogen, phosphate and potash statistics, IFADATA statistics on CD-ROM. | |
Storage and handling | Iron ore | IISI (2001) Steel Statistical Yearbook 2000 on CD-ROM. International Iron and Steel Institute. | |
Storage and handling | Iron ore | Kirk, W.s., (1998). Iron ore. United States Geological Survey (USGS): | US Geological Survey |
Storage and handling | Iron ore | UN (1999). Industrial Commodity Statistics. Book and CD-ROM | |
Storage and handling | Other: | Berdowski, J.J.M., Mulder, W., Veldt, C., Visschedijk, A.J.H., and Zandveld, P.Y.J., (1997). Particulate matter emissions (PM10-PM2.5-PM0.1) in Europe in 1990 and 1993. TNO report R 96/472. | |
Storage and handling | Other: | Miller, M.M., (1998). Lime. United States Geological Survey (USGS): | US Geological Survey |
Traffic | Other | Extrapolation & Additional info van Samaras, CORINAIR, IEA, CBS en IIASA | |
Traffic | Road: EU | Samaras NTUA, 2001 voor EU | |
Waste treatment | | EC (1998). Europe’s environment, statistical compendium for the second assessement. EEA European Environment Agency. | |
Waste treatment | | Fischer, C. en Crowe, M. (2000). Household and municpal waste: comparability of data in EEA member countries. EEA Topic report No 3/2000. | |
Waste treatment | | Green Peace (2000). Incineration of domestic/municipal waste (MWI). Green Peace: | Greenpeace |
Waste treatment | | Waste Watch (20000. Waste Watch Information Sheet: International and European Waste Management. Waste Watch: | Waste Watch |